Roberta Sweeton

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Roberta Sweeton is a ghoul lord and member of the crew of the ship New Hope. On voyages, she poses as a nondescript woman traveling alone. She is the leader of a clan of nine ghouls on the Island of Evergreen.[1]

Formerly a resident of Port-a-Lucine and then Falkovnia, Sweeton was discovered by Carl Houghton, who arranged a profitable (if unholy) partnership between his crew and her ghouls. His crew would get the possessions of their victims, and Sweeton's ghouls would receive the flesh of their victims.[2]

Sweeton formerly worked with a doppelganger named Vikedo who had a similar operation of rob-and-kill with Sweeton as Houghton currently has with her. Although Vikedo was later killed, he left Sweeton a special hat of disguise that allows her to adopt the guise of the living and also mask her unnatural smell.[3]
