Tanis Half-Elven

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Tannis Half-Elven is a character and hero from the Dragonlance campaign setting and book series. He was a foe of Lord Soth, having defended Palanthas from Soth's attack and rivaled Soth (for a time) for the love of Kitiara (though she rejected them both). Tanis also possessed the Crown of Power Tanis briefly appears in the Knight of the Black Rose, where he escapes Soth's wrath but gives up the corpse and his love of Kitiara. Tanis never actually enters Ravenloft itself.[1]

A reflection of Tanis appears in one of the Memory Mirror fantasies of Lord Soth, where Lord Soth relieves an altered rendition of their encounter, one in which Soth successfully kills Tanis and takes the Crown of Power.[2]

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