The Fourth Book of Ezra

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uch is my role in the grand scheme,” spoke Ezra. “So must it be.”

With those words did Ezra sacrifice her mortal life to become our guardian in the mists. From her place in the mists of death, Ezra looked down upon the mortals she had forsaken all else to protect.

Only then did she see the wickedness in the mortals’ hearts. Only then did she that the mortals she sought to protect and the legions of the night were one and the same. Only then could she see the foulness of their hidden sins.

Ezra saw that those who had been true to her were but few. A scattering of dim stars in a sky of deepest black. In her new role, Ezra saw that the sinfulness of the mortals was so loathsome that the mists of death would soon wipe the hollow clean of their blackened souls.

Ezra’s heart sank, but she would not abandon hope. She knew that she could not save the souls of the wicked, but she could offer salvation to those who repented their evil ways and allowed her guidance into their hearts.

Ezra did gather her faithful few, naming them her anchorites. It would be their role in the grand scheme to guide the corrupted back into the light.

As Ezra would guide and protect her anchorites, her anchorites would stand vigil over those of good faith.

Ezra’s servants must show the corrupted their paths of doom, and must guard the faith from those lost souls who would not be saved. Her anchorites must redeem the fallen and destroy the legions of the night who would corrupt the pure.

When the mists of death sweep down, when the darkness devours the land and consumes the wicked, Ezra shall stand vigil over those who have been true to her.

The time of ultimate darkness is fast falling upon the land. We live in the days of dying light. signs and portents surround us, and only those who admit Ezra’s light shall be spared.

-The Book of Ezra, IV, xix–xxix.[1]


The Fourth Book of Ezra is the sacred text and the canonic scripture of the Darkonian Church of Ezra. It was written by Bastion Teodorus Raines in 751 BC.

