Claude Rivale

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Claude Rivale is a member of Carnival. He is handsome except for a marked deformity, a lump of flesh with a second, ugly face attached, which is in fact a conjoined twin. Little does anyone know, that the tiny twin, known only Importun or the Imp, that currently controls Claude's body. Now but a helpless rider in his own body, Claude rages impotently while Importun pretends to be Claude.


Born in Mortigny in 729 BC, Claude grew up reviled by his parents for his deformity. As a teenager, he was a violent misanthrope. By comparison, the helpless Importun was benevolent and caring, but nobody knew he was actually sentient because Importun never could communicate or take any actions. Claude's parents abandoned him to the Carnival when he was 16. When Claude violently tried to force his way out and attacked anything in his way of his revenge against his parents. However, he was confronted by Isolde, whom telepathically communicated with the helpless Importun, and asked him if he wanted to stay. When Importun answered, "please", Isolde let the Twisting take effect, giving Importun control over the body. Ever since that day, Importun has had control over the body.

Game Statistics

male human fighter 2; Neutral Good (Importun), Chaotic Neutral (Claude)


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue


Carnival - p13

Carnival - p14

Carnival - pp12-14

Imp, The