Lady Gowena Ward-Barthold

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Lady Gowena Ward-Barthold spends her days locked away in her father's tower, but at night she rides by horseback as The Lady in White. She has the bravery to face the darkness of night, but not enough to pull her self free of the emotional grip of her oppressive father.[1]


Lady Gowena was born to Lord Jeremy Barthold and Lady Ann-Elizabeth Ward, minor nobles of Mordentshire married purely for political and economic reasons at Lord Jeremy's request. Although viewed as a paragon by the community, Jeremy held staunchly traditionalist (even misogynist) views of how the genders should relate to one another. However, Ann-Elizabeth raised Gowena to be independent and intelligent, enrolling her in various training regimens to strengthen her body and mind. Gowena was also enjoyed her uncle Phillip Ward's company, at least before Lord Jeremy assumed control of the Ward estate and kicked him out.[2]

Lady Ann-Elizabeth died of disease when Gowena was only 10, leaving her with her oppressive father Lord Jeremy. Lord Jeremy attempted to gain some reconciliation, but she rebuked him. She found Phillip to be more of a fatherly figure than her own father. Although she was allowed to continue her classes, the rift between father and daughter grew until at the age of 14 she was imprisoned in the tower of the Ward Mansion. During the years of her imprisonment, she discovered the remains of Grandfather Ward's adventuring accoutrements, a magical longsword and books on all sorts of different subjects of exotic lore. She self-trained for these long years. She also became enthralled with the romantic imagery of chivalry and knights in shining armor. On the occasions her father let her out to meet prospective beaus, they found the aloofness towards her peers built from years away from society didn't not win her any paramours.[3]

In the meantime, Phillip began sending her covert messages by carrier bird, and they both arranged for her to escape via a horse that Phillip left. Gathering up her things, she climbed down and rode away on the horse into the night. However, her courage eventually faded as she began to question her decision. Failing to emotionally break free of her father's grip, she returned to the tower.[4]

Current Sketch

At the age of 20, Lady Gowena is still under her father's yolk. Although she still wishes to be saved by a gallant knight, she still goes out horseback riding every night wearing a white veil and avoiding contact with any other soul. A fell presence seems to follow Gowena, as some poor souls have lost their lives the night she rides. This has given the figure known only as "The Lady in White" a dread reputation. Meanwhile, Lady Gowena has felt her grip on reality slipping, attributing this to the effects of being under the heel of her father.[5]

However, the effects of both the loss of lives and the loss of her sanity would be better explained by her magical longsword. Called Night Veil, it affords both offensive and protective capabilities, but the blade is also cursed. It slowly eats away at its wielder's wisdom and strength of will. In addition, it acts as a homing beacon for the undead. Because of its protective properties, the undead usually can't strike the person who carries it (in this case, Lady Gowena), the undead can strike those she comes near to.[6]

Charm Ability

Lady Gowena has a peculiar, seemingly-innate ability to daze a man with a charm like effect for a small amount of time. She can do this at will merely by facing them (seemingly like a gaze attack.)[7] It is never explained where she got this ability. Gowena might have learned this charm ability from some strange tome in her grandfather's attic. She might have born with some unknown fey or other special heritage relating to Grandfather Ward's adventuring days. She could have encountered something on the roads. Or she might have even gotten it as a result of a failed Powers Check, perhaps for keeping the Night Veil sword if it is truly evil in nature.


Lady Gowena was created by Alex Miranda.
