The Lady of the Lake

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The Lady of the Lake is the sirine Darklord of Castle Island. She pursued a vendetta with the castle's original master on the prime material plane after the latter had erroneously slain her husband, who had been transformed into a monster called the Avanc. The Lady of the Lake sacrificed her own offspring to achieve a revenge which has ultimately been denied to her. An Avanc still roams the black water of Lake Kronov, but it is not the one she loved.

Her pocket domain is located within Tepest, in Lake Kronov, and draws some inspiration from The Lady of the Lake of Arthurian legend.

Originally, the Lady of the Lake appeared in the 2nd edition adventure Servants of Darkness, where she was not a Darklord; she was simply an evil sirine wielding a +2 short sword of quickness who had been bound to the remote island by an unspecified curse. The netbook The Book of Shadows expanded her into being a Darklord, inventing her backstory entirely from whole cloth. This backstory would subsequently be canonized in the Ravenloft Gazetteer V, albeit condensed and with some slight tweaks - dropping the netbook version's explicit connections to Loht and the Sisters Mindefisk, and changing the name of the knight whose doom she pursued from Johann Demnach to Ione Demnach.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Servants of Darkness

Servants of Darkness - p27

Servants of Darkness - p26

Servants of Darkness - pp25-29