The Wayshrine

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The Wayshrine[1] is located in Wayston and holds several shrines devoted to the local forest spirits. Its exterior is that of a partially sunken stone dome with four entrances, each leading inside to the point of a star. The interior of the build holds four altars, one devoted to each of the seasons.

Leora Moonshadow, an elf druid, presides over the Wayshrine and performs daily rituals to the gods. She also lives there and can be often found in meditation when not performing her duties.

The Mourning Lantern hanging in the Wayshrine acted as a ward against the encroaching darkness of the Blackbriars Wood for two centuries, until its theft a week ago. Since the Lantern's disappearance, the dark forces of the forest have been taking away Wayston's citizens in the night.
