Timvad Nayor

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Descriptive Text

When I arrived with the buckets of water from the Vuchar River, he sat hunched at work before a prodigious pile of dead rats, separating flesh from bone with a knife. When I returned with more water, the prodigious pile of dead rats sat hunched at work upon him, separating flesh from bone with tooth and claw.

- Falkovnian military report detailing the death on December 23, 750 BC of company cook Timvad Nayor

Descriptive text contributed by cure to John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (posted on the Fraternity of Shadows message board).


Timvad Nayor was a company cook in the Falkovnian army. He was very good at his job and always insisted that there wasn't a nest of rats in the land that he couldn't turn into a tasty stew. Although a frail man hardly fit for service, he was a competent small game hunter and regularly furnished his unit with fresh meat. He was also an accomplished herbalist.

The unfortunate fellow was eaten alive by a swarm of undead rats within a day of the winter solstice of 750 BC, which is to say in the immediate aftermath of the Requiem. The pile of rats that he had been butchering for dinner came to " life" after being dowsed in water drawn from the Vuchar River. He was missed by the men whom he had served faithfully. The clerk who closed his file in the Ministry of War summarised his service to Falkovnia as follows: non-combattant.


38 year old male human, Expert 3, Lawful Neutral

Str 8, Con 8, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 13

Hp 5

Flaw: Frail Feats: Skill Focus (Profession (cook)), Skill Focus (Profession (herbalist)), Stealthy, Track

Skills: Handle Animal +6 (+5+1), Listen +8 (+6+2), Profession (Cook) +11 (+6+2+3), Profession (Herbalist) +11 (+6+2+3), Spot +8 (+6+2), Survival +8 (+6+2), Use Rope +1


Timvad Nayor was created by cure as part of a contribution to John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (posted on the Fraternity of Shadows message board).