Nidala - Maps

by Gomez

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Nidala is the largest domain in the Shadowborn Cluster. It is dominated by a mountain range, the Theospine mountains, that splits the inhabited part of the domain from the Phantasmal forest, a ghost-haunted wilderness. Nidala, is ruled by an overzealous paladin, Elena.

The map shown below is a version of the Shadowborn cluster map, with references to the other domains in the cluster removed.

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Available for download is the CC2 source of the maps :, zip archive (99 Kb)

Nidala map

Detail Maps
Faith Hold


Campaign settings :
Domains of Dread
Accessories :
Islands of Terror, van Richten's Guide to Witches
Web sites :
The Book of Sorrows:Theokos

Assumptions and Added Details

For a deeper discussion on how this map was created, see the description of the Shadowborn Cluster

In this version of that map, all references to the other domains in the cluster have been removed. This done because to most people, the other domains simply do not exist. This map is also useful as a player-map when running adventures in the cluster.


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