Nidala - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Nidala.
Some of these are described on this site, others are taken from sources elsewhere. For those of which an description is known elsewhere on the net, a link is provided.

I would be interested to know whether people consider these NPC lists useful or not. Suggestions of the format of these lists and what to include in them are welcome.

Elena Faith-hold
Darklord, 10th level Fighter, Lawful Evil
Once a companion of Kateri Shadowborn, Elena's overzelous protection of her faith had turned her to evil.
Location: Nidalia
Source: Islands of Terror pg. 6

Gleugon (Greater Baatezau), Lawful Evil
Acting the part of Elenna Faith-hold's advisor, Theokos keeps his goals a mystery.
Location: Faith-Hold, Nidala
Source: Book of Sorrows pg. 79

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