The Nocturnal Sea - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of the Nocturnal Sea.
Some of these are described on this site, others are taken from sources elsewhere. For those of which a description is known elsewhere on the net, a link is provided.

Darklord, 20th level Necromancer, Chaotic Evil
Interested only in his studies and experimental subjects, Meredoth secludes himself on his island.
Location: Todstein, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 79; Ship of Horror pg. 62

Colin Graben
Lebendtod, Chaotic Evil
Member of the Graben family who handles all the family's business matters.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 50

Lebendtod, Chaotic Evil
A member of the Graben family, Lucretia often acts as a midwife in the village.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 42

Lebendtod, Chaotic Evil
A member of the Graben family, Blane is in charge of the grave-robbing operations.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 51

Lebendtod, Chaotic Evil
A member of the Graben Family, Olsain deals with the communiations with Meredoth.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 51

Lebentod, Chaotic Evil
A member of the Graben family, Horst has killed at least one of the villagers.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 40

0-level Human, ??
A member of the Graban family, Araby ran off with a ship's captain and hasn't been seen since.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 51

Ezekiel Graben
Metan, Kugan, Geneel
Nestor, Rosalee

Lebendtods, Chaotic Evil
Members of the Graben family.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 50

Matthias, Danar, Mavis
Driddam, Stymar, Elena

0-level Humans, ??
Members of the Graben family who died before Meredoth could turn them into lebendtods.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 50

Miriam Brote
0-level Human, ??
Village baker.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 45

Harvid Fleischer
0-level Human, ??
Village butcher.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 45

0-level Human, ??
Village cooper, Jeremiah is Jacob's brother.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 45

Margaret & Hiram Ackerman
0-level Human, ??
Village cotton spinners.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 45

Pieter Fischer
0-level Human, ??
Operates the village fish market and fishing boats.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 45

Lars Stromm
0-level Human, ??
Owner of the general store.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 46

Barnabas Vincent
0-level Human, ??
Owner of the Black Sheep Inn.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 46

Hans Mueller
0-level Human, ??
Operates the village mill.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 46

Marcus Gwynn
0-level Human, ??
Village weaver.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 47

Vance Stellen
0-level Human, ??
Village wool spinner.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 47

Ghost, ??
Jacob was the village cooper, then he was killed by Horst. After that, his body was dumped in the sea by Captain Garvyn.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 21

Charlotte Riesland
Ghost, ??
Charlotte died of polio, and was buried in the Garben village cemetary. A few days later, the Garben family dug her up, and Captain Garvyn dumped her body in the ocean.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 23

Karl & Louisa Riesland
0-level Humans, ??
Parents of Charlotte.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 39

Madeline Stern
Ghost, ??
Madeline died in childbirth, her body was dug up by the Graben family, and Captain Gravyn dumped her body in the ocean.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 37

Morvan Stern
0-level Human, ??
The son of Madeline, he has never seen his mother.
Location: Graben Village, Graben Island, Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 37

Captain Garvyn
8th level Fighter, Chaotic Neutral
Captain of the Endurance, Garvyn has been cursed to never leave his ship.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 12

7th level Fighter, Chaotic Good
First mate on the Endurance.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 12

6th level Fighter, Neutral Good
Second mate on the Endurance.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 12

8th level Fighter, Chaotic Neutral
Master gunner on the Endurance.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 13

3rd level Fighter, Neutral Good
Master navigator on the Endurance.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 13

3rd level Fighter, Neutral Good
Master carpenter on the Endurance.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 13

? level Fighter, ??
Sailor on the Endurance.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Ship of Horror pg. 27

Captain Onid Rhelarain
0-level human, ??
Claims to have taken Rudolph van Richten and Dr. Gregorian Illhousen to the Nigtmare Lands.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 79

Captain Samuel Landry
3rd Magnitude Ghost, Chaotic Evil
Captain of the Crescent Moon, Landry died under the influence of the Nightmare Court and now infects sailors with nightmares.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Haunted Sites pg. 22

Sylus Andropov
1st level Fighter, Neutral Good
Captain of the Wayfarer, Sylus has taken Dr. Illhousen to the Nightmare Lands and has spent time in his Clinic.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Nightmare Lands Box: Book III pg. 53

0-level Human, ??
The son of Sylus, Aylor was killed when Sylus went to the Nightmare Lands.
Location: Nocturnal Sea
Source: Nightmare Lands Box: Book III pg. 32

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