Souragne- Maps

by Gomez

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Available for download is the CC2 source of the maps :, CC2-map archive (55 Kb)

Souragne map


Campaign settings :
Realm of Terror, Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Domains of Dread
Accessories :
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium II: Children of the Night, Children of the Night:Vampires, Children of the Night:Werebeasts
Modules :
Night of the Walking Dead
Novels :
Dance of the Dead

Assumptions and Added Details

There is not much new on this map of Souragne for those who have Domains of Dread. The reason is, simply, that few sites of interest can be found here. Most of the area is swamp, and as far as cannon goes, there are not much more settlements outside the swamp.
The few additions that were made are the village of Souragne's lizardmen, the hut of Chickenbone, and the Island of the Maiden (all in the swamp).
I have made a quess to where these sites are - so I may be wrong.
I'd be interested to hear your ideas.


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