Souragne - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Souragne.
Some of these are described on this site, others are taken from sources elsewhere. For those of which a description is known elsewhere on the net, a link is provided.

- Port d'Elhour - Marais d'Tarascon -

Anton Misroi
Darklord, Zombie Lord, Lawful Evil
Misroi rules Souragne from his manor in the swamps, but makes few laws.
Location: Souragne
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 97; Realm of Terror pg. 84; Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains & Denizens pg. 74

Maiden of the Swamp
Hamadryad, ??
Believing Anton to be one of her own race, the Maiden taught Anton how to control the powers of nature.
Location: Souragne
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 96, 97

7th level priest, Werecrocodile, Neutral Evil
As high priest of Merrshaulk, Sandover protects his tribe of reptile men and demands blood sacrifices once a month.
Location: Swamps of Souragne
Source: CotN:Werebeasts

1st level Voodan Adept, Lawful Neutral
A mysterious hermit in Souragne's swamp who can call upon the walking dead
Location: Swamps, Souragne
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 96; Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains & Denizens pg. 40; Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium II

3rd level Priest, Chaotic Good
Priestess for a small fishing village who is afraid of swimming.
Date: ??
Location: Souragne
Source: CotN:Vampires pg. 40

Amie & Jacques
0-level Humans, ??
Sister & brother.
Date: ??
Location: Souragne
Source: CotN:Vampires pg. 38

Simon LaFleur
Ju-Ju Zombie, Chaotic Neutral
Simon made the mistake of turning on Chicken Bone. Now a Ju-Ju zombie, he is used for acts of vengance.
Location: Souragne
Source: Book of Sorrows pg. 42

Luc Tarascon
0-level human (Lost One), Neutral
Youngest brother of the Tarascon family, Luc's mind shattered when he saw his brother killed by zombies and he now lives in the swamps.
Location: Souragne
Source: Night of the Walking Dead pg. 12

Greater Vampiric Ixitxachitl, Chaotic Evil
Big, fishy vampire.
Date: ??
Location: Souragne's ocean.
Source: CotN:Vampires pg. 36

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