Igid Rabi-i (Domain)

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Igid Rabi-i is a remote island domain both in the physical sense and in the sense of being an Island of Terror. It is of subtropical climate with a constant stream of western winds carried in by the ocean. Inhabitants of Igid Rabi-i refer to themselves as Igiran, "Folks of Night's Edge". Save for the independent mountain tribes to the east, the domain is ruled by the clergy of Mantherion, a religion the colonists and conquerors from the Holy Empire brought with them. Arcapatos Miguel Agustin is the leader of these clergy. Although there is a Colonial Council to make laws, they all most go through Agustin for ratification. Much of the old ways have deliberately been wiped away by the followers of Mantherion.[1]

Tagudin is the largest city in Igid Rabi-i (some 8,000 people). It is also home to the main temple to Mantherion, the Vestibulo[2]
