Ivan Dilisnya

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Ivan Dilisnya (689-present) is the co-darklord of Borca and former darklord of Dorvinia. He was granted his darklordship when he fled into the Mists after poisoning his sister and her husband, and attempting to kill their newborn child. Formerly flamboyant and a lover of the finer things in life, his personal curse is the loss of his sense of taste, leaving him murderously frustrated when others around him enjoy what he cannot anymore.[1]

Ivan is the son of Stefania Septow and Boris Dilisnya[1] , and cousin of Ivana Boritsi.[2] He owns Nicolai's Dagger.[3]


2nd Edition

male human 0-Level Character, Chaotic Evil[4][5][1]

3rd Edition



Rogue (poisoner) 6/Courter 5[8]

Missing Dread Possibility from Gaz IV - Scions and Pretenders

In 716 BC Ivan Dilisnya took a wife, Lucretia Marzeya. She bore him twins the next year and a third child in 720 BC, a year before he finally poisoned her. However, each time Lucretia grew heavy with child, Ivan would mutter darkly like a cuckolded husband. Fearing that Ivan would turn on his own children, Lucretia had her nursemaids secret each newborn away. She never saw her children again, and Ivan was told they had all been stillborn. The infants’ ultimate fates are unknown. They may have been raised as commoners by the nursemaids themselves, perhaps under Ivan’s own roof. A rival house may have adopted them, hoping to one day use them to usurp Ivan’s power. They might even have been whisked far from Dorvinia, their heritage forgotten. The heirs' birth records in Degravo include descriptions of identifying marks. If any of the heirs are still alive and can prove their heritage, they would have a claim to Ivan’s properties in the event of his death. Such heirs would be unwise to reveal themselves before such a time, however; Ivan’s own kin whisper that he would murder sons and seduce daughters.[9]




Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Secrets of the Dread Realms
Domains of Dread

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p15
Domains of Dread - p57
Realm of Terror - reference card

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp14-16
Domains of Dread - p58
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp60-62
Realm of Terror - pp93-94,reference card

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp7,14-16
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp115,124
Domains of Dread - p58
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp10-11,60-62
Realm of Terror - pp93-94,p123,reference card