Cortland Lockwood

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Before he died, Cortland Lockwood was a musician who became [[obsessed] with writing song to mourn his dead son. His son was a soldier who had died in battle; although left unspecified, this is likely Hindel Lockwood. After a couple of years of failing to make his masterpiece meet up to his standards, Cortland began conducting research into the occult, taking apart animals to see the quintessence of death. Eventually Angelique Lockwood approached him and said she could teach him. She lured him to a secluded part of the castle walls and murdered him. He rose again as one of the Lockwood Family ghosts.[1]

As a spirit, Cortland does not directly attack unless provoked. His bagpipe music does cause a ghostly mist to surround Lockwood Manor. This mist prevents anyone from leaving the estate, much like how certain darklords employ closing the borders. (The effects of teleportation and other special means of escaping past barriers are not mentioned in how they interact with these mists). Cortland can attack with a touch or cause despair but only attacks if he himself is attacked.[2]


Neutral Evil male human, mutable, Third Magnitude Ghost, HD 7, powers: cause despair, ghostly bagpipes[3]
