Angelique Lockwood

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Angelique Lockwood is a powerful and evil ghost that rules the Lockwood Estate in Darkon. The manor is abandoned by the living, but due to her machinations, many of her descendants are imprisoned eternally at the estate in ghostly forms. Most of the inhabitants of Lockwood Manor were murdered directly by Angelique's hand.[1]

In life, Angelique never murdered anyone directly, though she order the murder of several people and betrayed others on a regular basis. Her husband Benjamin Lockwood was the son of Baron Earonshire, a local baron of some power. Once when visiting his estate, Angelique ordered Benjamin to kill his father so they could assume power over his holdings. When he refused, she ordered one of her adulterous lovers to force Benjamin to gouge his own eyes out. And then Angelique bullied Benjamin into claiming he did it as an accident.[2]

Angelique imprisoned her father Jeremiah Lockwood in their own home after she began taking control of the estate and he tried to escape. When her sister Victoria Lockwood tried to intervene and brought the matter to the courts, Angelique bribed the judge to throw out the case and declare Jeremiah insane. Angelique also told one of her servants to kidnap Victoria in order to eventually have her murdered. The servant killed her too early, and Jeremiah saw her corpse and began dying of a heart attack. With his dying breath, Jeremiah cursed Angelique with "eternal damnation". The gory scene fascinated Angelique long enough for her husband Benjamin to strangle her.[3] This may have been where she found her love for murder.


Lawful Evil female human mutable Fourth Magnitude Ghost, HD 11; powers: Domination, heighten emotions, death keen 2/day[4]
