Andrew ApFittle

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Andrew ApFittle was a paladin and the last of the ApFittle Clan. He was imprisoned, tortured, and ultimately killed at the orders of Tristen ApBlanc in Castle Tristenoira. his death was the deed that finally brought Forlorn into Ravenloft.[1] He later came back as a haunt.[2]

In Castle B, Andrew is alive but imprisoned. He fears he may become an afflicted lycantrhope due to a run-in with a wererat.[1] In Castle C, he rises as a haunt.[2]

Andrew ApFittle was born in the year 1894 of the Forfarian Calendar as the twin brother of Nellie ApFittle. He is listed as one of the Clan ApBlanc in the Clan ApBlanc (Book).[3]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Castles Forlorn: Eve of Sorrows

Castles Forlorn: Eve of Sorrows - p21

Castles Forlorn: Eve of Sorrows - pp16, 21