Ciska's Master

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An individual mentioned by Ciska in the Lilliend Gazetteer.

All that is currently known about the Master are these facts: 1) That he is a powerful spellcaster who at some point in time enslaved Ciska, presumably with arcane magic, to perform a variety of tasks for him alongside other servants of his;

2) That at some point he migrated from Darkon to Dementlieu, but maintained a strong faith in the Eternal Order;

3) That at some point he managed to anger both Azalin Rex and the Fraternity of Shadows at the same time, leading to the destruction of his home and needing to be rescued by Ciska;

4) That he forced Ciska to travel to the Wartorn Cluster and scout it, with an eye to his conquering the domains comprising the Cluster at a later date.