Juron Cygne

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Minor character from Carnival of Fear[1]. Juron was the twin brother of André Cygne and co-founded Carnival l'Morai with him. Juron came to hate André because André kept a magical ruby pendant that protected him from the Fever while Juron suffered from that wasting disease and became disfigured. To enact his revenge, Juron poisoned his brother, stole the pendant, and entombed Andre alive within the Cornerstone of Carnival l'Morai. In retaliation, Andre cursed the pendant with his hatred. Anyone who wore the necklace became the carnival master of L'Morai and its most powerful citizen. However, André's hatred infected the pendant and cursed its bearer to channel the hatred the citizens of the City of l'Morai would feel for the carnival's freaks. Although the carnival master could protect his charges, he could never side with the carnival freaks against the city's citizens, no matter how much the city folk were in the wrong.

Juron thus became the first bearer of the cursed pendant and the first carnival master of Carnival l'Morai, his curse passed onto all of the later carnival masters. If the Puppetmaster is to be believed, Juron still lives some four hundred years later as one of the Council of l'Morai, unable to die of old age.


  1. Carnival of Fear p. 2-8, 304-305