Shih Suren

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From Rokushima Táiyoo

Travelling Darkon

Uncovered Lord Erexen Winterhand

A tiger-like caliban. Shih Suren is the son of a samurai couple from Rokushima Táiyoo whom were cursed by a weretigress for killing her and thus dooming her cub. His parents abandoned him in the forest. However, he was saved and raised by kami. When he was old enough to go back home, his father challenged him to a duel of honor. Shih won, at the cost of his father's life. Shih was thus exiled into the Poison Sea. From there, he drifted into Darkon. From there, he has become an adventurer, meeting companions that have helped (somewhat) to tame the inner beast within him.[1]

Shih Shuren takes out his anger and hatred on necromancers and the undead, for which he feels are especially unclean. Recently he has uncovered a particularly evil practitioner of the black arts, Lord Erexen Winterhand[2]


Anyone traveling in Darkon for more than a month would be assimilated by the domain.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Heroes of Light

Heroes of Light - p83

Heroes of Light - pp82-85

Heroes of Light - pp82-85