Category:Akiri Pantheon

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Worship of the Akiri Pantheon is the main faith in the Amber Wastes, and the Amber Wastes is the primary center for the Pantheon's worship.[1] Although the pantheon contains numerous gods and goddesses, three major gods stand out in importance in relation to the Amber Wastes. These three gods are Osiris, Ra, and Set.[2] In Pharazia, Diamabel is trying to suppress worship of the ancient gods and replace it with adherence to the religion he created.[3] On the other hand, it is the state religion of Har'Akir, and the clergy also rule the state.[4] Despite Ra technically being the leader of the gods, Osiris commands more respect in Har'Akir for his transcendence and power over life and death.[5]

The Akiri Pantheon is based on the Eqyptian pantheon of real world Earth.


  1. Ravenloft Player's Handbook p. 69
  2. p. RLPHB p. 65
  3. RLPHB p. 63-64
  4. RLPBp.166-167
  5. RLPHB p. 166

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Third Edition

Ravenloft Third Edition - p49

Ravenloft Third Edition - p54

Ravenloft Third Edition - pp49-50

Pages in category "Akiri Pantheon"

The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.