Radiant Tower

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The Radiant Tower is located in Lekar and is home to many mages employed by the Falkovnian state, including the Ministry of the Arcane.[1] It has also served as a secret meeting place for a general meeting of the Fraternity of Shadows[2]

The original Radiant Tower and the Well of Bones, the catacombs beneath the Tower, were not of Falkovnian construction. Indeed, it was as foreign to Ravenloft as any outlander. On the material plane, the tower serves as residence to its builders, the Czega Family. In the catacombs beneath the Radiant Tower, the Czegas peformed increasingly vile rituals of black magic until the Mists drew both the Tower and the Well into Lekar without taking the Czega Family with their creations.[3]

For a time, the giomorgo diviner Mircea Giurgiu hosted an orphanage and wizard's school in the Radiant Tower. During that time, he had to make regular bribes to the Talons to stay in business.[4] However, after it was revealed that a cell of the Ebon Fold was using the Radiant Tower and its catacombs as cover for their illicit activities, the Falkovnian army burnt the Tower to the ground and rebuilt it, claiming it for state use.[5]

The Radiant Tower is a major bastion of the Fraternity of Shadows, with many or most of its members belonging to the Fraternity.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Death Unchained

Death Unchained - p22

Death Unchained - pp21-28

Death Unchained - inside back cover