Category:Boritsi Family

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The Boritsi family nearly 800 years ago were one of several successful mercantile families of Borjia, a land of autonomous city-states neighboring Prime Material Barovia and the supposed name of Borca prior to its coming of the Mists). Along with the Dilisnya Family, this marks them as one of the oldest noble families in the Land of Mists.[1] The Boritsis used their social and financial resources to have themselves raised to the nobility[2]. According to Boritsi family records, the Bortisis provided assistance to the von Zarovich led war against the Tergs centuries later[1].

A few years later, many of the Borjian nobility[2], including many of Boritsi's family leaders according to the Boritsi family archives[1], made the journey to Barovia to attend the Wedding of Sergei von Zarovich to Tatyana Federovna. Most of the guests met horrific ends in the ensuing bloodbath[2]. Before the survivors could return home, the Mists overcame the land[1]. Borcan recorlds hold that it, along with Barovia, was seized by the Mists, only to be cut off from its former neighbor and indeed from any other land for 333 years, an era of uncertainty and isolation known as the Vacancy of Power[2]. During this time, the Boritsi family ( the family line descending from those whom never attended the Sergei von Zarovich's wedding or perhaps some of the survivors) fulfilled a vital role in keeping the fraying Borcan society intact. Over time, the Boritsis became more and more influential upon Borcan society[1].

Although an ancient family, Klaus Boritsi (670 BC-697 BC) is the first actual Boritsi to appear on the Boritsi family tree in the Realm of Terror boxed set (aka the Black Box), so little has been revealed about specific members of the Boritsi family prior to Klaus' entry upon the scene. His marriage to Camille Dilisnya (and subsequent murder by her) would change the course of the Boritsi family's history.[3]

Historically, the family has been known for shrew skill in mercantile endeavors, such as the Boritsi Trading Company. The tendency towards soft-spoken mercantile ownership of everything in Borca, that changed with the death of Klaus Boritsi and the ascension of his wife Camille Dilisnya. Ruling with a harsh hand, Camille's preferred toil over trade, specifically, the toil of those on her land. The taxes she levied upon the nobles and other vassals were almost cruelly weighty, but those collected by her daughter Ivana Boritsi are even worse.[4]

Despite Camille and later Ivana's turn away from trade and commerce, Ivana's siblings and their descendants persist in operating the Boritsi Trading Company much as before. Prior to the Great Upheaval, Sulo removed his family (save for his eldest children) from Borca to Bergovitsa, Nova Vaasa. There he has reached commercial success not only in that domain but also across the noctural sea. Sulo installed several offices in Armeikos on the isle of Liffe. Anton Boritsi was not as shrewd, and he perished in 739 BC under suspicious circumstances. He is survived by his wife and two children (Hellena Boritsi and Bevel Boritsi, whom run his operations in his stead. The work of both brother and their descendants have helped to distance the Bortisi name from the brutal regimes of Camille and Ivana, or at least show there is more to the name than tyranny.[4]

The Boritsis are ones to take care of their friends, but they ensure great woe comes to those whom would transgress them.[5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Legacy of the Blood p.11
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Gazetteer IV, p. 15.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Realm of Terror p.121
  4. 4.0 4.1 Legacy of the Blood p.12
  5. Legacy of the Blood p.14
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Domains of Dread p.56
  7. Legacy of the Blood p.18
  8. Legacy of the Blood p.19
  9. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens p.57
  10. Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium I & II p. 77
  11. 11.0 11.1 Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens p.58
  12. Realm of Terror p.66; This date in Realms of Terror contradicts the timeline date of Camille's death on p.121 of that same product in the Boritsi family tree. The latter seems to have been taken as canon by later products.
  13. Gazetteer IV, p. 36.
  14. Domains of Dread p.57


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