Lisette (Lhiannan shee)

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Lisette is a Lhiannan shee who resided in Mordent during the 6th Century according to the Barovian Calendar. Among her other activities, she was a member of an all-woman (or at least all-female) demon-worshipping cult that operated from the forest near the Gauldamon estate. What benefit this arrangement had for Lisette is currently unknown.

In 583 BC, Lisette seduced and fed on Robert Gauldamon at the behest of her demon master, for the benefit of fellow cultist Roberta Gauldamon. After Lisette drained song, creativity and music from Robert, her master transferred what she had stolen over to Roberta as payment for her soul and worship. A band of mercenaries hired by Robert's worried parents interrupted Lisette before she could completely drain Robert; she clawed him in the throat as a distraction while she fled, incidentally ruining his ability to sing forever.

In 584 BC, Lisette was witnessed worshipping her master in the woods alongside Roberta Gauldamon and the rest of the cultists, some of whom were human village-women and others monstrous creatures like Hags, by Robert Gauldamon. The sight was enough to destroy Robert's sanity and he fled into the Mists, all without Lisette's knowledge.

After the scattering of the Gauldamon family in 621 BC, Lisette fled Mordent entirely. She has since been haunting the Core, hunting musicians to feed herself while also avoiding the surviving members of the cult, who take issue with the fact that she had apparently abandoned their group. In recent years, she has become aware of the fact that Robert Gauldamon not only survived their final meeting, but is still active and inflicting harm on female musicians across the Demiplane of Dread by spreading his cursed instruments. Robert's activities and fall from grace leave Lisette ambivalent; she has little in the way of compassion for Robert's victims, but the scope of his evil and malice are startling even to a rapacious spirit like her. She does not know how to feel about her part in his epic of damnation.


Although her former 'sisters' in the cult believe Lisette to be an apostate who has abandoned them, she is actually serving her master with her travels around the Core. Although she genuinely is hunting for fresh victims, Lisette also sings songs and tells tales in her disguises as a traveling Bard - and she spreads the word of her master whenever she finds someone who she believes would be receptive to her evangelism. Certainly, the power she derives from her worship of the unnamed Fiend remains with her.


Chaotic Evil female Lhiannan shee Bard 6 / Cleric 2