Category:Forensic Pathologist

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The forensic pathologist examines a corpse, typically by recourse to autopsy, for the purpose of establishing its cause of death. Truly competent forensic pathologists are trained medical doctors. Morticians, given their familiarity with corpses, are often enough pressed into the role of forensic pathologist. Forensic pathology, for want of sufficient work, is usually not an employment unto itself. Forensic pathologists trained as a medial doctors usually divide their time between recently dead and still living bodies. A few become coroners.

Forensic pathologists are not themselves coroners. They are not necessarily agents of the state and they are usually not trained in the weighing of evidence of types other than pathological in the determination of cause of death. They are also usually less concerned with political niceties that may surround a given death.

Anyone may attempt to determine the cause of death by examining the corpse for 10 minutes and making a successful heal skill check against a DC determined by the cause of death itself. It is ridiculously easy to identify bludgeoning, piercing or slashing wounds from weapons or natural weapons as the cause of death. It is very easy identify causes of death resulting from exposure to inapt environmental conditions such as drowning, smoke inhalation, freezing, burning, and the like. It is easy to identify magic as the cause of death when the harm that it does involves physical changes in the corpse itself such as those left by an explosive ruins or shout spell. It is difficult to identify poison as the cause of death. And it is very difficult to identify magic is the cause of death when the harm that it does does not involve a physical change in the corpse itself such as with the an energy drain or symbol of death spell. The DC is increased by one step with each day passing day. A failed attempt leaves the cause of death unknown. Given sufficient time, the attempt may be repeated. The examiner of the corpse has the option of Taking 10, but the examination then requires 200 minutes. Forensic pathologists are presumed to generally Take 10, using the time to perform a proper autopsy.

Pages in category "Forensic Pathologist"

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