Abu al Mir

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Abu al Mir was born in 725 BC in Har'Akir. He is a cowardly and paranoid natural werejackal. His parents were priests of Anubis, founding a secret temple dedicated to his worship and raising their son in his service. They joined with Senmet in conspiring against Ankhtepot, a choice that culminated in the destruction of the temple and its priests in 738 BC. Abu al Mir fled into the desert and the Mists, in the disguise of a sandstorm, snatched him up and deposited him in Nova Vaasa. He has subsequently carved out a career as a blackmailer and has drifted west, currently residing in Port-a-Lucine at Novak's Rentals. He fears that the actions of his parents have earned him the disfavour of Anubis and the wrath of Ankhtepot. The latter has in fact sent an agent to Dementlieu, a greater mummy by the name of Lef Ahmnet, to kill him. The patience of Black Pieter, head of the thieves' guild of Port-a-Lucine, with him has also reached its limit as he is behind on his guild payments.[1]

Abu al Mir should not be confused with the similarly named Abu Ratep.

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Darkness and Secrets


725 BC Abu al Mir is born in Har’Akir, the child of the founders of a secret temple to Anubis. [2]

738 BC Senmet recruits the werejackal priests of Anubis to aid him in his plans to usurp control of Har’Akir. However, that very night, a mysterious fire wipes out the entire priesthood, except for the young Abu al Mir. Abu flees, and the Mists transport him to Nova Vaasa. [3]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: Werebeasts

Children of the Night: Werebeasts - p48,53

Children of the Night: Werebeasts - pp48-50

Children of the Night: Werebeasts - pp48-50