Adorjan Bognar

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Adorjan Bognar, a renowned composer and playwright who was the resident conductor of Sommet Theater from 732-739BC. He was born in 710 BC in Borca the son of Edgar Leskovich and Kristina Dilisnya sister of Ivan Dilisnya who murdered his parents after he was born, a midwife managed to escape with Kristina’s newborn child. After he was saved from Ivan, the newborn Dilisnya baby was taken to a monastery of Ezra in Richemulot. Adorjan was taught writing, history, and music. He was informed of his heritage, when he was approached by his father’s ghost who taught him how to write operas. With Edgar Leskovich's ghost they approached Ivan Dilisnya with a plan to murder him but Ivan managed to figure out that Adorjan was his lost nephew and tried planned to murder him himself but Adorjan managed to escape Dorvinia before that happened in 739BC escaping to Borca. When Dorvinia and Borca were joined after the Grand Conjunction Adorjan was forced to become a fugitive again travelling the Core to escape Ivan's assassins until he discovered his calling in the book The Mirror of Simple Souls a mystic of Ezra creating the heretical sect of Ezra named Porètes who reside in the Sanctuary of the Mirror of Simple Souls in the House of the Sages "La Maison des Savants" in Richemulot. Adorjan is renowned in the Land of Mists as a great composer of operas, but his operas seem to have mystical powers. Adorjan is constantly accompanied by his father's ghost of, now a bussengeist.

Known operas of Adorjan are the following

  • The Fey
  • Liebesverbot
  • Rennie
  • The Relentless
  • The Knife of Ba’al Verzi tetralogy
    • Griesilver
    • The Maiden
    • Leo
    • Twilight of the Gods
  • Tannhäuser
  • Leederik
  • Tristen and Isold
  • The Wedding
  • Trillen

Most of the operas are described in Quoth the Raven 27 in the article "The Knife of the Ba’al Verzi," an epic music drama and other operas