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Am-khaibitu[1] is a vile undead pureblood yuan-ti cleric that dwells within the Oasis of Apep, a Sinkhole of Evil he created by corrupting an oasis sacred to the Cult of Osiris by using black magic to smite a group of priests he lead there under the guise of one of their own. Previously a figure of prophecy as a favored among the yuan-ti cult of Apep, Am-khabitu's success overwhelmed him with hubris. Delusion overtook him, and he thought himself the very avatar of Apep. He abandoned his previous religious duties and took residence at the Oasis, waiting and devouring passing travelers.

Am-khaibitu became cursed with undeath and a feeling of eternal desire to eat the flesh of his victims. He lies in torpor most of the time, awakening only when prey comes near.

Game Statistics

male fiendish ghoul lord pureblood yuan-ti cleric 13; Chaotic Evil
