Baron Etain

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Baron Etan is the baron and temporal leader of Romagna. He is (or was) the target of Serenissa Marie D’Aubliet's affections, and despite having a dalliance with her for a time, decided to marry a noblewoman from a nearby country, Lady Fialle. Serenissa lured him onto a nearby tower and took him with her as she flung herself from the tower's top. She died, ironically cushioning the baron's fall. He lived to marry Lady Fialle and even sire a child, uch to Serenissa's chagrin. The Dark Powers have made the events of his marriage replay annually in an eternal temporal loop to torment Serenissa.[1]

Personal indiscretions aside, Baron Etain is known as a just ruler. He personally steps in in matters of grave importance (such as matters surrounding murder or arson) but delegating authority to the villages and magistrates to uphold the social order in lesser affairs.[2]
