Bone magic

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Mentioned, but not really elaborated upon in Dance of the Dead, bone magic is paired with blood magic, just as fruit and flower magic are always mentioned as a pair. Considering that just as fruit and flower magic are always seen as positive, bone magic is likely just as evil as its partner blood magic.


With no further explanation of the practices of bone magic, it is not possible to say with complete certainty whether it is arcane or divine in nature.


As blood magic uses blood to achieve great power, so we may assume that bone magic uses bones to likewise procure great power. While the method of using bones is not described, there are several real-world traditions of carving amulets and talismans out of animal and human bones which might be represented in bone magic. Possibly the 'bone' aspect of blood and bone magic is expressed through control over the undead, whereas the 'blood' aspect is expressed by generating power through bloodshed.


  • Alondrin the Betrayer is a known practitioner of blood and bone magic, although he is only shown using blood. When removing his hood, Alondrin is described as heavily scarred, and the possibility exists that he harvested some of his own bone for magical practices.
  • Anton Misroi is probably also a user of bone magic.