Boyar Aldrick Wachter

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Aldrick Wachter was nobly born to Yersinia Wachter in Barovia in 537 BC and lived on the Wachter Estate in the immediately vicinity of Krezk Pass. The head of Wachter family, since the time of Lord Victor Wachter, had loyally served Count Strahd von Zarovich as the boyar of the region. His mother Yersinia served as boyar and maintained a part-time, volunteer militia of fifty mostly well-to-do children from the neighbouring estates for the defense of Barovia. Lord Aldrick led the militia and helped destroy a raiding party of shambling undead sent by Azalin Rex in 580 BC. He would succeed his mother as boyar.


I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

I, Strahd, The War Against Azalin

I, Strahd, The War Against Azalin - pp247-254, 257-258, 265-278, 289-292, p302