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Executing is the state action of overtly killing an individual condemned of the commission of a crime against it or its citizens. Executing is punishing an individual for a serious violation of the law. In states such as Barovia or Falkovnia where the head of state is the law, the decision of executing an individual is quite simply at his or her whim. Killings individuals by assassinating or lynching them is not executing them as states availing themselves of such methods do so covertly. The means of executing individuals are many, some slower and more painful such as burning at the stake or flaying, others quicker and less painful such as drowning or guillotining. Torture may, or may not, constitute an essential part of a given execution. The action of executing an individual tends to be carried out by an executioner, who is a professional killer both capable of killing without passion and competent in one or more methods of execution. The typical soldier or mercenary has the necessary training to be able to step into the role and perform effective beheadings at the very least. Execution by burning at the stake is a favourite punishment for witches and for women condemned of committing treason.


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