Inquisitor Finn

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Finn is one of the Tepestani Inquisition and one of Wyan's chief lieutenants. He has been one of the primary inquisitors to keep the Inquisition influential and the fey hunting going over the years.[1] Finn commands almost as much influence as Wyan does.[2] Contrary to Wyan's wishes, Finn desires for the Inquisition to hold formal political power.[3] If his position on theology and cosmology can be trusted, Finn seems to want to hold Belenus as the supreme creator of everything.[4]

For his part, Finn seems to hold a harsher model of justice than Wyan. Finn openly declares that any witches or other followers of Hala that are discovered will be burnt at the stake with only the speediest of trials. He is of the opinion the worshipers of Hala are vile fey disguised in human flesh.[5] Like many of the leading inquisitors, Finn is highly suspicious of outlanders and foreigners such as "S".[6] Finn also seems doubtful of Wyan's attempts to provide written guides for Inquisitor conduct.[7]

Finn currently resides in Viktal.[8]


male human cleric 4[8]
