Officía del recuerdo

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La officía del recuerdo, a.k.a. 'the record office', is the executive arm of the government offices of Conquista.

Founded during the presidential reign of James Johsson, the record office's official duty is to provide a backup and review of all government records in order to prevent mistakes and corruption.

In truth, the record office serves as a spy ring, both within and beyond the borders of Conquista. Its agents are available for all manner of corruption, wetwork, sabotage and seduction needed to achieve the greatest possible benefit for Conquista.

The record office's true mandate is in clear defiance of Conquistan law, which makes it clear that the government offices should have no such executive branch, and that its duties should be the sole province of los Hombres Valientes, who serve as army, secret police and civil peacekeeping-force. As such, its true nature is a carefully-kept secret even from the Conquistan president, and its existence is another sign that Conquistan society is tearing itself apart.