Category:Petrovna Family

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The Petrovna Family was a noble family of Prime Material Barovia and perhaps remains a noble family of Barovia. In 314 BC, Izabela Dilisnya, the aged matriarch of her line, was assassinated. The crime was blamed upon the Katsky and the Petrovna families. They had been locked in a dispute with the Dilisnyas over the rights to the prosperous (but now played out) silver mines of Mount Gries. There was also a century of accumulated ill-will between the families. The assassination touched off the War of Silver Knives. It was far less a war than a series of tit-for-tat assassinations that Count Barov von Zarovich ordered an end to in 316 BC. Peace was restored, but the distraction and the losses helped pave the way for the Terg Invasion in 320 BC.

By the time that Yagno Petrovna was born in 674 BC, the family had isolated itself in the mountains and had succumbed, at to a degree, to the evils of inbreeding. Yagno, among a family that probably had more than its fair share of madness, was himself judged to be deranged. At the age of twenty-two, he set to sacrificing animals on an altar that he had constructed in a cave. Five years later, he attempted to do the same with his sister's newborn child, for which he was put to flight by his family. He entered the Mists on the northern frontier of Markovia where he was received by the domain of G'Henna with himself as its darklord.

As with the other old noble families, the Petrovna family is in decline as its wealth and renown wane. Also like its fellow noble families (other than the von Zarovich family), the Petrovna family lacks any true land claims.


Gazetteer I, p. 15, 21

Domains of Dread

Circle of Darkness, p. 2-3.

Pages in category "Petrovna Family"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.