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Geographically, the Pommel is the narrowing peninsula of southern Nova vaasa south of the Saniset River. Politically, the Pommel Duchy takes as its northern frontier, and the Ivlis Duchy takes as its southern frontier, a line extended along the northern border of Hazlan to the Nocturnal Sea. Either way, the Pommel's eastern limit is the sea and, a bit south of Arbora, the Mists. Its western limit is the eastern Hazlani border and, to the south, the Mists. Its southern border is likewise the Mists.

Havgraes, as tall as a man's chest, is the norm in the Pommel, which makes it a favourite haunt of plains cats. Jernryge (“iron-backs”) are found mainly the Pommel.

Arbora is easily its largest town.

The Chekivs family rules the Pommel. It is a backwater and the Chekivs are the least powerful of the five families that have historically ruled Nova Vaasa. Taxes from trade on the Nocturnal Sea are improving their lot however.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V - p11,31,33,37-38

Ravenloft Third Edition - inside back cover
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V - p12