Sir Armand Rivtoff

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Sir Armand Rivtoff is better known as Sir Armand Ironhand.[1] In 685 the Black Duke, and his Brothers of the Whip, razed the village of Drataan in the Ehrendton of northeastern Nova Vaasa.[1] Sir Armand Ironhand and five other young, valorous knights were dispatched by Prince Rivtoff to put an end to this menace. They failed. Ironhand was one of two survivors, spared to spread word of the Black Duke's dark deeds. In 695 Sir Armand published The Beast of Ehrendton, a tragic saga.[1] Although the account is factual, the outlandish (and nightmarish) story is taken by most as fiction and has become quite popular. In consequence, the Black Duke has become widely known as "The Beast of Ehrendton."


Data not yet in the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V - p42