Talk:Brangain ApBlanc

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From a post I made on Cafe de Nuit:

To add additional complexities to the original Castles Forlorn boxed set, I strongly recommend, if I may so immodest, that you read the Forlorn chapter of Ravenloft Gazetteer 1. This chapter presents several new facets to Forlorn, as well as combining numerous facts about Forlorn from other Ravenloft sources, such as the Van Richten's guides, CotN:Ghosts, and I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin.

Further, there are a number of elements that had to be removed from Gaz 1 due to space considerations or because we ran out of time. Most never got past the "pile of notes" stage.

* Brangain was to have survived due to outside intervention (hinted in the published text), and gone on to become a paladin operating in the domains surrounding Forlorn. Brangain would have faced the struggle to keep her half-vampyre nature from emerging and causing her to fall from her paladin status. A tragic figure, I was considering giving Brangain the ephitet "The Weeping Knight."

Hopefully this potential-canon (?) can be included in the Brangain ApBlanc article. --ChrisNichols 21:36, 18 April 2010 (UTC)

Personally, I always preferred the idea that Brangain, of all the characters, managed to make good her escape before Tristen and Forfar fell into the Demiplane and live happily ever after (so to speak) in the Prime Material plane. Also, Brangain's entry in The Weeping Land sourcebook of Castles Forlorn specifically stated that she was not a vampyre, and I'd think that if she suffered being a half-breed then it would have mentioned her as such. Just my thoughts on the matter. --CplEthane Edit: Just re-read through the first Gazetteer again. Nevermind me. --CplEthane