The Cloth of Matherion

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The Cloth of Matherion is a powerful artifact and holy relic that was originally discovered by some Bacani children who found it washed in from the Great Western Sea.[1] Its origins are unknown, but it bears the imprint of one of two holy figures, depending upon the viewer's religious beliefs. This can either be Angarab, an ancient goddess of Igid Rabi-i or Matherion in the rarely seen Holy Mother aspect. The Cloth is able to grant a single Wish to a modest person with altruistic intent. However, to hold onto it risks the attention of Arcapatos Miguel Agustin's assassin priests.[2] Regarding discovery by Agustin's minions, the Cloth almost has a will of its own to slip through their fingers only to be found again by a different family of the Igiren.[3]
