Yorgi Hiregaard

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Yorgi Hiregaard is the eldest son of Sir Tristen Hiregaard. He is therefore set to become the heir to his father as master of the Hiregaard Family lands and patriarch of the family. According to "S", the family has prepared Yorgi well to become Tristen's heir, though he may be more willing to take drastic steps to rekindle his family's lost finances.[1]


  • 703-721 BC - Katya Chekiv, the unloved second wife of Tristen Hiregaard, gives birth to three sons some time within this period. The oldest is Yorgi, next is Sasha, and the youngest is Myar. All three are middle-aged in 756 BC. [2]
  • 720-743 BC - Yorgi Hiregaard discovers the Cat's Paw in a secret compartment of a wardrobe and makes use of it during his youthful adventures until attacked by paka. [The youthful adventures can begin anywhere between 720 and 738 BCdepending on when Yorgi is deemed to have been born] [3]


  1. Gazetteer V p. 33
  2. Middle-aged is assumed to be not younger than 35 and not older than 53. It is best to assume that Katya was very young, say 15, when she gave birth to her first son. This way she is not older than 60 but not younger than 43 when she dies giving birth to her fourth son in 748 BC; see Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V pg. 155, Secrets of the Dread Realms pg. 46
  3. Legacy of the Blood pg. 85

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

The Awakening

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p46
Domains of Dread - p71
The Awakening - p28