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Animals are corporeal, animate, living, mortal creatures that eat, breath, and sleep. They are dependent on chemical energy derived from other living things, principally plants, vermin, and animals. They are perceptive but not very reflective, having an intelligence score of 1 or 2. Their capacity for learning, remembering, and thinking serves amply their needs but little more. The language and culture of other species are forever out of their reach. It is only with a change of type, typically to magical beast and typically with the assistance of magic, that a creature that was formerly an animal can become something more.

The animal type is far more restrictive than the "animal classification" of biology, which would readily encompass vermin, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, magical beast, aberrations, dragons, and all non-plant life.

Like plants, animals are subject to taint by the corrupting nature of the world around them. The fell influence of the Demiplane of Dread can drastically and unnaturally change animal mindsets and behavior, causing even "harmless" animals to behave in unpredictable and even dangerous ways.[1][2]



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