Category:Church of Milil

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A deity from the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, Milil is a god of song.[1]

The Church of Milil was at one time worshiped in Kartakass. However, his sole remaining priest, Gustav (Priest of Milil) could not cast divine spells, Milil having seemingly abandoned that domain. During Casimir's rule as Meistersinger of Harmonia, he made Milil's church the official state religion.[2] In 3rd Edition, the Church is referred to as the Cult of the Ancestral Choir due to copyright license restrictions. It languishes in a state of little influence following the deaths of Gustav and Thoris.[3]

According to the doctrine of the Kartakan Church of Milil, there exist three primary transgressions against Milil's faith: blasphemy, murder, and suicide. These were the acts of Kakaphon of Discord, Milil's brother.[4]

More on the Kartakan church's prayers, rituals, and mythology can be found in the novel Heart of Midnight.[5]

There also exists a Temple of Milil in the town of Aferdale, overseen by the priest Abane.[6]


Pages in category "Church of Milil"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.