Category:D'Honaire Family

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The d'Honaire family were an initially Mordentish family of mostly healers so well-known and favored that, despite not technically being Mordentish nobility, they were able to accrue wealth and property. Locked inside this weird niche between noble and commoner, the d'Honaires never sought political power until Germain d'Honaire came along. Unlike his predecessors, Germain focused his research and treatment on maladies of the mind, becoming a skilled mesmerist. He also ascribe different future in society he wanted his children to have.[1]

Germain's wishes for most of his children would turn out not to be. He had wanted Maurice d'Honaire to continue his practice, but Maurice was much too cold-hearted for such a feat. On the other hand, Bernadette d'Honaire, whom Germain expected to learn the ways of the nobility marry into the Weathermay Family, outright defied his wishes by going into medicine and marrying the giomorgo mystic Hugues Mousel. This turn of events effectively rent the family in half, with the d'Honaires on the one side of estrangement and the Mousel]s on the other. The animosity the d'Honaires felt did not cease or mellow after Germain's death in 707 BC. Bernadette and the other Mousels remained in Mordent whereas the rest of the d'Honaire clan migrated to the land of Dementlieu, a new formed domain of the Land of Mists.[1]

in 733 BC, the slim-to-none relations turned into outright hostility when some murderers hired by Dominic d'Honaire made an assassination attempt on the Mousels. Both Hues and Bernadette met their demise as the hands of the assassins. However, their adult son Francois Mousel was able to escape thanks to the timely intervention of his son, James Mousel. Following this event, there was basically no contact between the two branches. Only with the correspondence of James and Celeste d'Honaire-Loverde would any level of discourse be achieved by approximately 756 BC to 757 BC.[2]

The d'Honaires tend to be crafty thinkers who employ strategy and guile before brute force to solve problems.[3] Unfortunately, a growing level of sociopathy rise with each new brood of the d'Honaires.[4] Two main branches still exist, the Mousels of Mordent and Dementlieuse d'Honaires. A hypothetic third, "lost branch" might exist, if Angelique d'Honaire and her husband Bertrand Shroeder were able to survive the treacherous sea voyage they set out on in 719 BC.[5]

