Hespero the Harmonious

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Hespero is a foppish bard and adventurer from Oerth. Originally from the City of Greyhawk, a romantic indiscretion motivated him for a life on the road. Since joining with other adventurers, Hespero's song and poetry have garnered the group considerable renown on their homeworld[1].

At some point, Hespero and his fellow adventurers entered the Demiplane of Dread, eventually coming to Villebois in Dementlieu. Mayor Charles de Tantoine may have tried to pin the blame on them for the murders he committed as a lycanthrope[2].


Along with Nuri and Dungannon Jeratte, Hespero has remained at the heart of their adventuring party. Hespero believes his role in the group is to provide levity and cheer to complement the more serious Nuri and Durgannon, though Durgannon's descent into depression complicates this. Furthermore, Hespero's chaotic and flirtatious ways makes him a frequent target of Nuri's lectures. In addition, Hespero has long since given up on entertaining the dour dwarf Draloef Stonegrinder, though the dwarf's epic deeds have provided Hespero with fodder for numerous poems and songs including the ever popular Ballad of the Sweaty Yeti. Hespero enjoys his conversations with Derek Ravenclaw and Gem.[3].

Game Statistics

female human bard 6; Chaotic Good[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Beast Within (1998) p. 15
  2. Hespero and his teammates are player character included with the Beast Within (1998) scenario.
  3. The Beast Within (1998) p. 14, 15