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Hotep was a greater mummy. In life she had been the high priestess of Sobek, an evil, crocodile-headed god of water of ancient Har'Akir. She fell afoul of Anhktepot and in undeath was forced by him into perpetual slumber so as to nullify the risk posed by her lust for revenge. She was roused from this slumber by the efforts of the runaway slave Khasek.[1] He attempted to revive worship of Sobek. Leading a group of six cultists, victims were seized from Muhar and sacrificed within the tomb to the ancient god. But just as Hotep awoke, Dr. Rudolph van Richten and a group of fellow adventurers intervened to set matters aright.[2]


female Greater Mummy, Lawful Evil (she casts spells as a 18th level priest)[3]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Chilling Tales

Chilling Tales - p 54

Chilling Tales - inside cover, p 55

Chilling Tales - p 55