Category:Cult Leader

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A cult leader, as opposed to a spiritual leader, does not exercise significant influence over the people of one or more lands. In a given land he or she is not recognised by the temporal leader of that land, commands far less influence than the temporal leader of that land, and cannot hope to survive should he or she attempt to rival the temporal leader of that land. The leader of the Cult of the Ancestral Choir in Kartakass or of the Cult of the Morninglord in Barovia would be a cult leader as the influence of the former pales in comparison to that Harkon Lukas and of the latter pales in comparison to that of Count Strahd von Zarovich. Fiendish cult leaders might have the personal power to survive a confrontation with the temporal leader or the darklord of a given land. But as a rule they avoid such confrontations, perhaps fearing that the place of ruler of, and prisoner in, that land might fall to them.