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Dwelling within, or ratther beneath, the accursed ruined city of Deir el Medina, Inananmen is a powerful figure in the Cult of Set and is in fact the leader of the so-called Chosen of Set. His time goes back to before the existence of Har'Akir as a domain, to when he was Ankhtepot's treacherous advisor.


Inanamen received visions of corruption overtaking the land and Set coming forth to rule the new doomed world. His actions in both past and present have served this visions.[1]

As he played the role of "helpful" adviser to the pharaoh, Inanamen is the person responsible for corrupting Ankhtepot and pushing him to conduct vile experiments in the search for immortality. During the period of the latter's fall from grace, Inanamen and his followers ran amok and caused innumerable plagues and disasters. Inanamen had time to flee to Deir el Medina before the priests called for Ankhtepot's death and mummification.[2]

Current Sketch

Inanamen waits within the Well of Souls with the other Chosen of Set, ready for the foretold day when Set would break free of his confines and come to rule the world. On that day, Inanamen would lead an army of reptilian humanoids to conquer the land.[3]

Inanamen has transformed into a partially serpentine creature, with scales and a long tail in place of his two legs. He has also become one of the Ancient Dead.[4]


male Rank 4 Ancient Dead Cleric 11, Lawful Evil[5]


  1. Corners of the Core V, QtR05, p.89-90
  2. Children of the Night V, QTR05 p.93
  3. QTR05 p.94
  4. QTR05 p.95
  5. QTR05 p.95