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Note: this article concerns the mummy as the reanimated kind also known as the ancient dead. For bodies that have been preserved by mummification but not reanimated, see mummified.

The ancient dead, also known as mummies[1][2] are a type of corporeal undead[3][4] protected from to some degree or another from rot, decay, and even harm or destruction through mummification and, uniquely for undead, a link to the Positive Material Plane[5][6]. Mummies can be created through natural or purposeful processes. However, those mummies created through natural processes are much less frequent and will usually be weaker than those created through purposeful efforts[7][8]. Mummies may also form spontaneously from victims of the necromancy spell horrid wilting[9][10].

Although most typically associated with Har'Akir and the rest of the Amber Wastes, the ancient dead may appear in any realm where the people preserve the bodies of the deceased and respect or revere their remembrance[11][12]. Despite the frequent spiritual trappings of their origins, esteemed hunter of monsters including the ancient dead Rudolph van Richten professed that psychological links to the mortal world are what keep the ancient dead bound to the mortal world, in much the same ways as ghosts.[13][14]. However, unlike ghosts- even corporeal ghosts, the ancient dead do not form ghostly bodies from sheer force of personality- instead the ancient dead re-inhabit their mortal bodies- even if these bodies are reformed after seeming destruction at the hands of undead hunters or through other means[13][14].

the Ancient Dead and Evil

The ancient dead's association with the Positive Material Plane instead of the Negative Material Plane might seemingly suggest a mummy would have a Good alignment, much like the deathless of other worlds. However, this is usually far from the case with the vast majority of the ancient dead evil or at least not Good. The ancient dead's link to positive energy is an abnormal source of might in many ways antithetical to mortal existence[15][16].

Good people who may become mummies may also become corrupted and bent towards Evil or madness through the many long years entrapped in their tombs [17]. Of course, many or most people who become mummies were wicked to begin with.

Common Characteristics

The hypothetical connection with the ancient dead to positive energy are though to explain a number of the special abilities common to ancient dead. The most obvious is a physical hardiness and preservation against harm[13][14]. Ancient dead demonstrate resistance or reduction to damage from physical blows and frequently some types certain times of individually-specific energy damage such as cold[13][14][18][19]. Conversely, the ancient dead are strangely vulnerable to individually-specific forms of energy[20][21], such as the vulnerability to fire held by the standard mummy and many other ancient dead.

Th unnatural positive energy of the ancient dead is thought capable of interfering with normal biological processes including feelings of pain and other sensations that prompt self-care, and it is through imbalanced biological functions a mummy is thought to spread disease via touch[22][23]. All ancient dead have the ability to afflict the living with various forms of detrimental and often fatal diseases, most frequently the horrid rotting known as mummy rot[24][25].

The ancient dead have the supernatural ability to inspire fear, despair, and dread in their victims. This power typically comes in the form of an aura of palpable dread surrounding an ancient dead, typical causing temporary paralysis in nearby creatures[26][27].

Other abilities common to the ancient dead include darkvision and enhanced physical strength[28][29].

Varieties and Classifications

Although the stereotype of the ancient dead is one of plodding monstrosities wrapped in bandages, the ancient dead in reality are more diverse[11][12]. Beyond the Standard Mummy most well known, several other types of mummies exist, including:

Beyond set varieties, the ancient dead can come in any number of forms. (In 3rd Edition game mechanics, the ancient dead can be represented by the Ancient Dead Template[11][12].) Dr. Rudolph van Richten developed a system of overall classification of mummies based upon general magnitude or rank of power, with rank I being the weakest and rank V being the highest. (For comparison, both the "standard mummy" and the Greater Mummy have been established as mummies of rank 3 in power[34][35]. Van Richten also created classification systems based upon their physical origins, psychological motivation for rising from the grave, forms (animal, humanoid, monster, or composite), and state of preservation.[36][37]

Salient Abilities

Ancient dead may also have a number of salient abilities. For these, see Ancient Dead Salient Ability.

Encountering a Ancient Dead in the Land of Mists

Mummies can be encountered in all of the domains in the Amber Wastes cluster. They prefer to prowl around at night.[38]

Mummies can also be found in Falkovnia[39], Kalidnay,[40], and Necropolis[41]. As undead, they may be found in the domains of Barovia[42][43], Darkon[44][45], Mordent[46][47], Sanguinia[48], Sithicus[49][50], Souragne [51], and Valachan[52][53] As a type of undead that does not feed, mummies may be encountered in Keening.[54][55]


Some Notable Ancient Dead in the Land of Mists

Ancient Dead Hunters

Lore on the Ancient Dead

Homebrew Non-Canon Information

Descriptive Text

"You have to understand, we were young, indolent, and rich, always a dangerous combination. And we weren't the first to break into Florian's crypt to leave behind flowers, bad poetry, and other memorials to the way he captured the spirit of our times with his music. Andre thought to stay awhile, sing the bard's songs and smoke some of the Hazlani magic that the bard loved. We all agreed, seeking a catharsis to move us past this first real loss in our quite sheltered lives.

"We alighted our candles in the gloomy mausoleum and in their cheery light partook of wine and song and poppy, soon quite forgetting ourselves. As such, while I caught that Andre rearranged the candles and drew straight lines between, I failed to discern any pattern and thought nothing of it. When Andre led our song to show our love and our adoration and our devotion to this angel come down to us and taken back too early, I thought nothing of it. And when our chants changed to a call-and-repeat in the tongue I'd later learn was Har'Akiri, I thought nothing of it. But when I saw that ruby signet ring of Florian's, the one I'd so admired when I saw it during his last concert, still worn upon the withered hand that'd just ripped through the stone casket... It was then I realized I'd spent too much of my life not thinking."

-Hymn of the Dead by Donatien Naiffleur of Port-a-Lucine, semi-autobiographical[70]


  1. Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead p. 6
  2. Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium II p. 198
  3. VRGttAD p. 5
  4. VRMHCII p. 197
  5. VRGttAD p. 8-9
  6. VRMHCII p. 200-201
  7. VRGttAD p. 5
  8. VRMHCII p. 197
  9. Ravenloft Third Edition p. 99
  10. Ravenloft Player's Handbook p. 113
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 R3E p. 192
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 RLPHB p. 221
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 VRGttAD p. 9
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 VRMHCII p. 199
  15. VRGttAD p. 8
  16. VRMHCII p. 200
  17. VRGttAD p. 211
  18. R3E p. 193-194
  19. RLPHB p. 223-224
  20. R3E p. 194
  21. RLPHB p. 224
  22. VRGttAD p. 8-9, 31-32
  23. VRMHCII p. 200-201, 224-225
  24. VRGttAD p. 36
  25. VRMHCII p. 230
  26. VRGttAD p. 37-38
  27. VRMHC II p. 231-232
  28. VRGttAD p. 33
  29. VRMHC II p. 227
  30. Requiem: The_Grim_Harvest - Necropolis p. 29-30
  31. Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium I & II p.40-41
  32. Monster Manual (3.5)
  33. Monster Manual III p. 146
  34. VRGttAD p. 12-16
  35. VRMHC II p. 204-209
  36. VRGttAD p. 17-26
  37. VRMHC II p. 209-219
  38. Domains of Dread p.102
  39. Gazetteer II p.91
  40. Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium II p.216
  41. Gazetteer II p.57
  42. Ravenloft: Realm of Terror, p. 65
  43. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens, p. 10
  44. Ravenloft: Realm of Terror, p. 68
  45. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens, p. 13
  46. Ravenloft: Realm of Terror, p. 77
  47. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens, p. 25
  48. Realm of Terror (Black Boxed Set) p. 84
  49. Ravenloft: Realm of Terror, p. 79
  50. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens, p. 31
  51. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens p.41
  52. Ravenloft: Realm of Terror, p. 81
  53. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens, p. 32
  54. Ravenloft: Realm of Terror, p. 75
  55. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens, p. 21
  56. VRGttAD p. 84-90
  57. VRMHC p. 277-273
  58. Van Richten's Arsenal p. 153
  59. Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer, p.136
  60. VRGttAD p. 21
  61. VRMHC p. 214
  62. Ravenloft Gazetteer I p. 36
  63. The Awakening
  64. {[Touch of Death]]
  65. Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix I & II p. 106-107
  66. Van Richten's Legacy: The Cult of Simon Audaire, Dragon Magazine #264 p. 52-57
  67. Ravenloft Gazetteer III p. 103
  68. VRGttAD p. 16
  69. VRMHC II p. 208
  70. Descriptive text from John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (contributed by Lord Cyclohexane), from posts on the Fraternity of Shadows message board

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Third Edition
Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead

Ravenloft Third Edition - p193
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium I - p199

Ravenloft Third Edition - pp192-195
Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead - throughout

Ravenloft Third Edition - pp192-195
Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead - throughout

Ancient Dead


This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.