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Longears is a minor character from the Ravenloft product line novel Dance of the Dead (Novel). In universe, he is a figure of Souragnien legend in the Tale of Two-Hares, he always has to save his cousin Bouki, who inevitably gets into trouble.[1] More than a mere folk hero, Longears is one of two rabbit loa (along with Bouki). As a hero spirit to rabbits, Longears is carnivorous (for eating predators)[2] and much larger than his normal kindred (the size of a dog of impressive size)[3]. As a loa, Longears is capable of speedy regeneration unless he is injured enough to kill him outright.[4]

In Dance of the Dead

In Dance of the Dead, Bouki is captured by Tane and Dragoneyes and handed over to Captain Raoul Dumont, who keeps Bouki as one of his slaves aboard La Demoiselle du Musarde.[3] Longears and Willen spy on La Demoiselle, reporting to the Maiden of the Swamp. The Maiden is reluctant to get involved. After Longears brings Larissa Snowmane to the Isle of the Maiden[5], the Swamp Maiden is more willing, though Larissa may lead the charge only after receiving permission from Anton Misroi.[6]

Longears and the other swamp creatures assist Larissa in attacking La Demoiselle and its undead crew.[7] Bouki, Bushtail, and the rest of the imprisoned magical creatures are ultimately rescued by Larissa and Gelaar Redtree.[8]


Bouki is quite fond of making gumbo, though Longhears usually eats most of it.[9]

Non-canon information

Longears is mentioned in the Souragne Gazetteer.[10]
As Longears was never given game statistics, any creature types below are speculative.


  1. Dance of the Dead (Novel) p. 93
  2. DotD p. 148
  3. 3.0 3.1 DotD p. 117-118
  4. DotD p. 266
  5. DotD p. 147-153
  6. DotD p. 216-217
  7. DotD p. 283
  8. DotD p. 287
  9. DotD p. 274
  10. Souragne Gazetteer p. 21